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Every eligible ticket that you submit gives you one opportunity to play the animated Run for the Roses™ horse racing themed game to reveal the number of second-chance Trip Drawing entries associated with that ticket.
Playing the game is easy: just select your favorite horse from a field of 12, then watch the race to see how you made out.
Here are some game basics:
Start by selecting your horse for the race. Click View the Horses, then click on the numbered horses to see more information about them.
Select Your Horse by clicking Place Your Bet on the horse's information page.
Enjoy the Race!
If your horse wins, you get 3 Trip Drawing entries.
If your horse finishes second, you get 2 Trip Drawing entries.
If your horse finishes third, you get 1 Trip Drawing entry.
Please Note
The game is only available when you are invited to play immediately after submitting an eligible non-winning ticket. If you do not play the game when invited to do so, you forfeit that opportunity to play. But your drawing entries will be awarded whether you play or not.
The game requires the use of Adobe® Flash® Player. It will not work on devices such as iPads or iPhones and is optimized for play on Windows PCs. If you want to play the game and are not sure your PC has Flash installed, please use this link to install it prior to submitting a ticket.